Implemented Checks


Queries a DNS server for a specific record

Custom Properties:

qtype type of record (A, AAAA, CNAME, etc)
domain domain/host to query for


Uses python requests to insert message and then query for same message

Custom Properties:

index index to use to insert the message
doc_type type of the document


Uses python ftplib to login to an FTP server, upload a file, login again to FTP and download file

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

remotefilepath absolute path of file on remote server to upload/download
filecontents contents of the file that we upload/download


Sends a GET request to an HTTP(S) server

Custom Properties:

useragent specific useragent to use in the request
vhost vhost used in the request
uri uri of the request


Sends an ICMP Echo Request to server

Custom Properties: none


Uses medusa to login to an imap server

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

domain domain of the username


Uses ldapsearch to login to ldap server. Once authenticated, it performs a lookup of all users in the same domain

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

domain domain of the username
base_dn base dn value of the domain (Ex: dc=example,dc=com)


Logs into a MSSQL server, uses a database, and executes a specific SQL command

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

database database to use before running command
command SQL command that will execute


Logs into a MySQL server, uses a database, and executes a specific SQL command

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

database database to use before running command
command SQL command that will execute


Uses medusa to login to an pop3 server

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

domain domain of the username


Logs into a postgresql server, selects a database, and executes a SQL command

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

database database to use before running command
command SQL command that will execute


Logs into a system using RDP with an account/password

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties: none


Logs into a system using SMB with an account/password, and hashes the contents of a specific file on a specific share

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

share name of the share to connect to
file local path of the file to access
hash SHA256 hash of the contents of the file


Logs into an SMTP server and sends an email

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

touser address that the email will be sent to
subject subject of the email
body body of the email


Logs into a system using SSH with an account/password, and executes command(s)


Each command will be executed independently of each other in a separate ssh connection.

Uses Accounts

Custom Properties:

commands ‘;’ delimited list of commands to run (Ex: id;ps)


Connects and if specified, will login to a VNC server

Uses Accounts (optional)

Custom Properties: none