

Currently we support 2 ways of working on the Scoring Engine. You can either use the existing Docker environment, or you can run each service locally using python 3. If you choose to do your development locally, we recommend using virtual environments.

Initial Setup

These steps are for if you want to do your development locally and run each service locally as well.

Create Config File

cp engine.conf
sed -i '' 's/debug = False/debug = True/g' engine.conf


If debug is set to True, the web ui will automatically reload on changes to local file modifications, which can help speed up development. This config setting will also tell the worker to output all check output to stdout.

Install Required Dependencies

pip install -e .

Populate Sample DB

python bin/setup --example --overwrite-db

Run Services

Web UI

python bin/web

Then, access localhost:5000

Username Password
whiteteamuser testpass
redteamuser testpass
team1user1 testpass
team2user1 testpass
team2user2 testpass


The engine and worker do NOT need to be running in order to run the web UI.


Both the engine and worker services require a redis server to be running. Redis can be easily setup by using the existing docker environment.

python bin/engine


python bin/worker

Run Tests

We use the pytest testing framework.


The tests use a separate db (sqlite in memory), so don’t worry about corrupting a production db when running the tests.

First, we need to install the dependencies required for testing.

pip install -r tests/requirements.txt

Next, we run our tests

pytest tests


Instead of specifying the tests directory, you can specify specific file(s) to run: pytest tests/scoring_engine/

Modifying Documentation

We use sphinx to build the documentation.

First, we need to install the dependencies required for documentation.

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Next, we build our documentation in html format.

cd docs
make html
open build/html/index.html